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Jesus gave this charge to the first-century church, He said, "Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations: Teaching them". In Matthew 28:19-20, these familiar words are traditionally known as the Great Commission, and it is imperative for outreach and evangelism.


The mission of Bread Breakers International is to first, reach out to all of God's people crossing racial, ethnic, denominational, financial, social and other barriers that hinder the progress of them reaching their God given potential and walking into their destiny.


Secondly, our mission is to provide resources, programs, projects, workshops, classes, curriculum, etc., which will empower people to be transformed in many such areas such as social skills, life skills, role modeling, leadership, computer literacy and score of others.


We take seriously our mission. Through the infusion of sufficient financial and human resources, we find that people and communities experience healthy, whole, meaningful relationships. Children, youth, and adults move from knowing about God to knowing God. We are equipped to live the abundant lifestyle.


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